What’s on offer?
Full time employees (20+ hours): $585.80/week (7,029.60 total for 12 weeks)
Part time employees (-20 hours): $350/ week (4,200 total for 12 weeks)
How will this be paid?
As a lump sum to the employer’s bank account, covering all 12 weeks of payment.
Who is eligible?
- Sole traders and self-employed people as well as companies
- Employers must have experienced or be forecasting at least a 30% decline in revenue (compared to last year) for any month between January - June 2020
- You can only apply for the self-isolation payment if your team cannot work from home.
How can you apply?
Before applying, employers have to sign a form declaring that they’ve taken active steps to manage the financial impact of COVID-19 (eg. talked to their bank/financial advisor).
You can apply at https://services.workandincome.govt.nz/ess/employer_applications/new.
What information do you need to apply?
Your reason for applying
Either revenue decline, staff self-isolation or staff sickness.
Company information
- IRD number (Company)
- Employer (Company Name)
- New Zealand Business number (NZBN)
- Business Address
- Contact Name
- Contact Email
- Contact Mobile
- Contact other phone
- Bank Account
Employee information
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- IRD Number
- Employment Type
What happens after I apply?
- Work and Income will check if you qualify.
- They might call you if they need more info about your application.
- If it's approved, they’ll email and text to notify you that payment has been made. They’re aiming to make payments within 5 working days of receiving an application, but this depends on volumes.
- If your application is declined, Work and Income will let you know.
- You might be audited and reviewed as part of the approval process.