But - if you want to (and there’s no obligation!) you can provide your staff with Earnings Certificates. You can find this report under:
Reports Accounting YTD Earnings Report
Your accountant may request a 63-day tax adjustment report for accrued annual leave consumed in the 63 days following the end of the tax year. You can find this report under:
Reports Accounting 63 Day - Annual leave taken
It’s also a good time to check on your Termination Liability - and your accountant might want that too, as at 31 March. These are produced automatically every time a payrun is processed. You'll find them in:
Run a Pay Finalise Summary Reports Dropdown Termination Liability
Or if the pay finishing on or around 31 March has been processed, go to:
History Select Date Summary Reports Dropdown Termination Liability
Otherwise it’s business as usual - and be happy you’re not an accountant this time of year!